I'm back, y'all! I had to take a very unplanned hiatus from blogging. I found myself getting very stressed and having major anxiety about writing for this blog. I think I put too much pressure on myself to constantly put out new and interesting content when I should have been focussed on writing for myself. So I am back! I am excited to get back into the blogosphere, especially since I lost my job last week. Now before you all freak out and send me messages about what happened, let's just say that God's will won out. And I could not be happier! I am spending time with my husband and getting to travel with him for his company, as well as having more time to devote to more creative outlets (and let's be real here-THAT is what I really love!). So without further ado, my first post since my hiatus!
The Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton) is definitely my biggest style crush.
She is always flawless, elegant, and appropriate. But she isn't my inspiration for this week's Style Crush. My inspiration for this week's Friday Fancies (theme: Style Crush) is Jeanette Scott from
J's Everyday Fashion. This is one of my favorite blogs and one that I frequent literally every day. She recreates outfits from her inspiration files and shops on a budget. She is pretty much a genius!
This is one of her recent outfit recreations:
I saved this to my personal inspiration file, thinking I might save it for fall when I could theoretically have some colored denim. Then I realized I had a pair of shorts very similar to this color. I decided then to use the concept to create my own version of the outfit. I decided to go with a more climate appropriate version (it is upwards of 90 degrees here in west Florida!) and swapped the sweater for a purse in the same color.
So here is my recreation of J's recreation! (Please excuse the no-makeup look. I was running a little late this AM!)

Shirt: Francesca's Collection,
What do you think? I really love this outfit and probably never would have paired it together if it wasn't for my style crush, J!
Linking up to
Long Distance Loving for Friday Fancies!